Joint Stock Company “Uzagroleasing”
Youth leader
Abdukarimov Abdulla 
         Contact number: 99 005 00 08
In accordance with the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. PF-6017 dated June 30, 2020, the Agency for Youth Affairs was established. On the basis of this Decree and the decision of the meeting of shareholders of the Company dated 03.05.2021 No. 01/2021, the position of “Youth Advisor to the Chairman of the Management Board of the Company” was introduced.
The responsibilities of the Youth Advisor include:
  • implementation of measures to implement the state policy on youth, aimed at the formation of a comprehensively developed, free-thinking youth with a clear life position and strong convictions, capable of taking a worthy place in the Society;
  • formation of youth structures at subordinate enterprises of the Company in accordance with the law, control and coordination of their activities;
  • holding meetings, meetings, events, conferences, seminars and round tables on the activities of the Youth Council of the Society;
  • making proposals to the Management Board and the Supervisory Board of the Company;
  • improving the activities of the Youth Council on various issues of public life;
  • development of projects of complex targeted programs in the field of implementation of youth policy in the Company, coordination and control of their implementation;
  • youth participation in the development of plans and programs for the social and economic development of the Company and agricultural engineering enterprises;
  • analysis and organization of the information level of the youth society;
  • attracting young people to active participation in deepening democratic, political and economic reforms in the direction of solving the main issues of the socio-political, socio-economic activities of the state, the main directions of the Society’s activities and development prospects;
  • implementation of investment programs, localization of production, modernization and development of enterprises in the country and in the Company;
  • deal with problems related to the adaptation of young people to the place of work, labor protection, working hours, vacation, social protection and other labor and socio-economic conditions together with the personnel management department and other interested departments;
  • coordination and implementation of work to educate young employees about their rights and obligations;
  • provide information on the available opportunities for employment, labor and health protection, professional development, social protection of the population, effective use of free time, recreation, sports and other areas;
  • support in the realization of the intellectual and creative potential of young people;
  • creation of conditions for the realization of the creative and intellectual abilities of the youth of society, as well as their involvement;
  • implementation of modernization and development programs for public utilities;
  • assistance in the development and implementation of socially significant youth initiatives;
  • together with the personnel management department and other interested parties, educate young people in a spiritual and moral sense and in the spirit of military patriotism, instill in them historical memory, national pride and self-knowledge, and form self-awareness;
  • formation of a sense of respect for ongoing events, national and universal values;
  • organization of visits to historical monuments, holy places, museums, theaters, buildings built during the years of independence;
  • planning and organization of target events;
  • prevention of crime, extremism and terrorism among young people, protection of young people from the influence of religious extremist and sabotage organizations, negative influences and threats coming from outside under the guise of “mass culture”;
  • carrying out work on the prevention of delinquency among young people and promoting the prevention of crime and their commission;
  • organization of legal propaganda and educational work;
  • organization of measures for the prevention of drunkenness, alcoholism and drug addiction;
  • organization of targeted work to provide the necessary materials;
  • moral support for young families, creation of decent housing and social conditions for them, prevention of divorces in young families;
  • creation of the necessary conditions for the formation of a healthy lifestyle among young people, regular physical education, sports and tourism, participation in various sports competitions and hikes;
  • development of ecological culture and environmental protection, support for environmental initiatives among young people by promoting the rational use of natural resources, attracting young people to participate in republican events;
  • ensuring effective protection of rights, legitimate interests and freedoms, considering proposals, applications and complaints from young people, making decisions on them within their competence;
  • Participation in meetings of the Management Board of the Company, in meetings with the Chairman of the Management Board of the Company on issues within the competence of the Advisor;
  • Interact with software to cover events in the field of the Society’s youth policy;
  • change the procedure for terminating activities on the corporate website of the company;
  • implementation of relationships in the sphere of permanent executive and administrative bodies, law enforcement agencies, social, cultural and sports spheres within their competence;
  • Compliance with labor discipline in the Company.
