To the attention of the shareholders of the joint-stock company “Uzagroleasing”!
“Uzagroleasing” Joint Stock Company (42a Babura str., Yakkasarai district, Tashkent, 100100 announces that on June 12, 2024 at 10:00 the next annual general meeting of shareholders of the Company will be held in the meeting room of the Company building.
Venue of the next Annual General Meeting of Shareholders of the Company: Tashkent, Yakkasarai district, Babura str., 42a, meeting room of the Company building.
Registration of the Company’s shareholders will begin on June 12, 2024 at 9:00. In order to participate in the next Annual General Meeting of Shareholders of the company, shareholders, in accordance with the legislation, are required to provide identification documents during registration. Representatives of legal entities are requested to appear by a power of attorney issued in accordance with the established procedure.
Issues included in the agenda of the General Meeting:
Approval of the number and personal composition of the members of the Counting Commission.
Approval of the regulations of the General Meeting of Shareholders.
Approval of the report of the Chairman of the Management Board on the results of the company’s financial and economic activities for 2023 and the measures taken to achieve the company’s development strategy.
Approval of the report of the Chairman of the Supervisory Board on the activities of the Supervisory Board of the Company for 2023.
Hearing and approval of the conclusion of an external audit organization on the results of the company’s activities for 2023.
Approval of the Company’s annual report for 2023.
Distribution of the Company’s net profit based on the results of 2023. Establishment of the amount of dividends, the form, term and procedure for their payment.
Leaving unclaimed dividends at the disposal of the Company during the limitation period established by the shareholders of the Company.
Extension of the employment contract concluded with the chairman of the board of the company for a period of one year.
Hearing the results of an independent assessment of the corporate governance system conducted in the company.
Selection of an audit organization to conduct a mandatory audit based on the results of the company’s financial and economic activities in 2024 and determination of the amount of payment for its services.
Approval by the company of future transactions with affiliated persons and major transactions of this company.
13. Reduction of the authorized capital of the joint stock company “O’zagrolizing”.
Approval of the new edition of the Charter of the joint-stock company “Uzagroleasing”.
In connection with the reduction of the authorized capital of the joint stock company “O’zagrolizing”, make and approve changes to the Decision on the issue of additional shares of the joint stock company “O’zagrolizing”, registered under state number No. P0145-14 dated July 10, 2023.
Dates of formation of the register of shareholders of the Company:
– Date of formation of the register of shareholders for the announcement of the next annual General Meeting of shareholders: May 15, 2024
– Date of formation of the register of shareholders entitled to participate in the next Annual General Meeting of Shareholders: June 6, 2024
To get acquainted with the documents prepared following the results of the next Annual General Meeting of Shareholders of the company, you can contact: Tashkent city, Yakkasarai district, Babura Street, 42a, “Uzagroleasing” Joint Stock Company.
Phone number: 71 207-30-47
Supervisory Board JSC “Uzagroleasing”