If everyone works together, efficiency and results will be achieved faster.
Yesterday, the Chairman of the Board of Uzagroleasing JSC, N. Otajonov, signed an annual contract for 200 high-tech 4MZ-4 cotton-picking machines and inspected their joint venture for the assembly and maintenance of these machines.
Today, more than 80 contracts have been signed by the company for the cotton-picking machines produced by this joint venture, and advance payments collection has been started.
Furthermore, the Fergana regional branch of the company was the next stop on the agenda of Chairman N. Otajonov.
While inspecting the branch, Nodir Otajonov reviewed the existing equipment and instructed regional officials to deliver high-performance equipment and mini tractors to farmers on time.
At the end of the discussion, the Chairman emphasized the importance of collaboration by stating, “If everyone works together, efficiency and results will be achieved faster.”